WeaveGrid partners with Smart Electric Power Alliance on Managed Charging Report

We partnered with Smart Electric Power Alliance to produce their latest report, which highlights evidence-based best practices to maximize the value of managed charging programs for both customers and the grid.
“Managed Charging Programs: Maximizing Customer Satisfaction and Grid Benefits” considers characteristics, features, and outcomes that define successful EV managed charging programs. Calling on interviews with various technology providers, existing managed charging program data, and insights from active managed charging programs, this report is both an excellent overview of best practices from some of the leading utilities in this space as well as a playbook on tactics and approaches that product developers and program managers can bring into their program plans.

WeaveGrid’s work with two of our utility partners, Pacific Gas & Electric Company and Baltimore Gas & Electric is highlighted in the complimentary report.
Our Takeaways:
- Embrace partnerships between utilities, technology providers, OEMs, EVSEs, and CBOs to achieve the full potential level of customer participation in EV programs.
- Successful programs leverage EV customer and charging data to gain deeper insights into customer charging behavior, better understand and prepare for the grid impacts of EV charging, and support impactful managed charging in areas with the greatest observed-load shift potential.
- As managed charging programs increase in complexity and grid value, customer experience must remain simple and straightforward.
The report can be accessed in full at the following link: https://sepapower.org/resource/managed-charging-programs-maximizing-customer-satisfaction-and-grid-benefits/